Financial scrutiny
An Energy Master Plan must be able to stand up to the rigorous scrutiny by any party, including your finance committee.
Board members and your Finance Team may not be as well versed in the intricacies of performance metrics for local energy systems. We spend a good deal to time selecting metrics that are relevant and transparent. This is most important in terms of bankability - finance houses have increasingly stringent "green" requirements too.
Our specialty is communicating these performance metrics in plain language. After all, we have been there right at the beginning when these metrics were coined by our colleagues. As members of the IEEE, IBPSA, CIBSE, and ASHRAE for example we have had a front row seat as local energy systems have been forged.
Local Energy Systems and their components go by many names :-
Smart Local Energy Systems ( Energy Systems Catapult )
Active Buildings ( ABC RP )
Energy Smart Appliances ( PAS 1878/9 )
Prosumer Electrical Installations ( IEC 60364-8-2 )
Grid-interactive Efficient Buildings ( US DoE, ASHRAE FSGIM, ISO 17800 )
Energy Flexible Buildings ( IEA EBC Annex 67 & 82 )
But they can all be modeled and then measured using the same benchmarks. While carbon footprints are important, the most useful metrics involve the money !